On 28th Sue Cocker found a Greylag Goose at Warnham LNR with a white colour ring '13L' which was ringed as an adult at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve on 12th June 2006 and has been seen here in early 2008 and 25th September 2009, but also at Scotney Court GP near Rye, Sussex in January 2009 (map below). But this wasn't all, she also found a new pair of Mute Swan at Southwater CP of which the male had a ring which turned out to be the same bird that was here on 4th June 2009 which was originally ringed by us at the Capel reserve as an immature in 2006. He is still present today, well done Sue!

Unfortunately, this wasn't the only Mute Swan recorvery as on 29th, I found the remains of Z18775 at Southwater CP having been taken by a fox. This was the last of this year's cygnets that we finally managed to catch here on 30th November. This now leaves this family with only three cygnets down from six with one going missing at a very young age (probably died), one killed by a human attack and this latest loss.

Whilst today, 30th December, Jake visited and again found the Norwegian Black-headed Gull at Southwater CP which we have had details back. Amazingly, it was ringed as a nestling at Tangen, Rogaland, Norway on 11th June 1994 (map above) and hasn't been seen since until now...so where has it been for the last 15 years? On the otherhand, the Herring Gull with orange 013 on blue colour ring which was at Warnham LNR last week was ringed at Stoke Orchard Landfill, Gloucestershire as a 7 on 26th March 2005, then seen in Hove, Sussex on 5th June 2007, Beddington SF, London on 17th Oct 2008 (map below).

This evening Jake, myself and Stuart did the roost at Chesworth Farm and ringed seven birds, a Goldfinch, five Reed Bunting and a Blackbird.