Thursday (27th) started with a early morning session at Southwater CP catching 21 birds of which 18 were new, but of only six species. The highlights being three Long-tailed Tit, a female Reed Warbler, a male Blackcap, three Blackbird (including the first juvenile of the year - below) and a huge nine new Robin which included eight juveniles.
Later in the afternoon Jake and I went nesting at Leechpool and Owlbeech Woods, finding a Blackbird nest (four young) and then a Willow Warbler nest (five young) that took us far too long to locate!! But both were ready for ringing. Then onto Chesworth Farm, where the Robin and Blackbird nests we went to ring had both been predated and the Pied Wagtail nest had literally just fledged with three juveniles hopping around us! But the Long-tailed Tit nest was still very active and ready to ring - in comes Jake's small fingers and voila six baby tits.
Friday (28th) afternoon was back to Warnham LNR to continue the nestboxes for me and Kevin, with another 65 Blue Tit ringed from six boxes including a nest of 15 (the highest ever for this site) and a single nest of Great Tit with eight young. But didn't finish there.
About a week ago we noticed that there was another active Grey Heron nest so gave Gary Collier a call and was willing to have another go. So over we went accompanied by Jake and Katie and got up the tree to find three eggs and two only days old chicks. As Gary was climbing he noticed that there was a second new nest only a few trees away so quickly climbed that to find three ringable chicks that were also colour ringed bringing the total this year to 35 ringed! If I beg and plead I might be able to persuade Gary to come back to do that last nest which could mean we reach 40, but about three weeks away yet.
Finally, today, I did a brief session of ringing at home catching just three birds, a new Dunnock, a retrap Blue Tit and a new Jackdaw! A lovely breeding female, possibly one of the pair from the neighbours chimney (above). Also the last nest box in yet another neighbours garden produced six young Blue Tit.
Birds ringed: retraps in brackets
Birds ringed: retraps in brackets
Robin - 9
Reed Warbler - 1
Blackcap - 1
Blue Tit - 71 nestlings (5)
Great Tit - 8 nestlings (2)
Dunnock - 1
Long-tailed Tit - 3 + 6 nestlings
Willow Warbler - 5 nestlings
Greenfinch - 1
Blackbird - 3 + 4 nestlings
Grey Heron - 3 nestlings
Jackdaw - 1
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